
Break Until 2021

The final post of the year is always post-it related.  This year is only fitting to make it a virtual post-it note tip. Ready? Tools…
Tricia Broderick
December 20, 2020

Zoom Tips

After this year's circumstances, people are extremely familiar with video conferencing tools.  There are pros/cons to the options.  However, more and more functionality is similar…
Tricia Broderick
November 15, 2020

Mini Check-ins

In some ways, I'm really great at connecting and staying connected with people.  In other ways, I can easily let time slip too long between…
Tricia Broderick
September 20, 2020

Off the rails

This month, I was extremely lucky and honored to speak at the Agile Virtual Summit, hosted by Adam Weisbart.  First, let me say that Adam…
Tricia Broderick
June 28, 2020