Unfortunately, saying thank you seems to be an after thought more and more.  So at least once a month, I will take a few minutes to publicly appreciate someone that has had an impact on me.

This round:  Robin Morrison Robin

There are people that within months after meeting, you can’t imagine that you didn’t always know them. My most recent example of this is Robin Morrison.

I met Robin when she first interviewed me for the position at Pearson. In this interview, I remember her saying she was looking for someone to be her partner. I’m very grateful that this turned out to be accurate. She was a great partner. She taught, she challenged, she learned, she inspired, she supported and she made me laugh!

She recently decided to embark on a new opportunity and I couldn’t be happier for her. I have no doubt that she will succeed. That said, I’m selfishly missing her and it’s only been a few weeks.

So thank you Robin. There are so many things to appreciate you for…your caring heart, your insightful questions, your team spirit, your desire to accomplish more, etc…but I want to appreciate you most for being my friend. You pretty much rock!

Picture from Facebook

Tricia Broderick

Tricia Broderick

Tricia Broderick is a leadership and organizational advisor. Her transformational leadership at all levels of an organization, ignites growth of leaders and high performing teams to deliver quality outcomes. Tricia has more than twenty years of experience in the software development industry. She is a highly-rated trainer, coach, facilitator and motivational keynote speaker. Beyond her extensive knowledge and skills, her biggest offering is inspiring people to believe anything is possible.


  • Chuck Durfee says:

    Imagine my surprise when I saw you chose to thank someone I happen to know! I worked with Robin a while back, and can only echo what you said about her. She’s very good at what she does precisely because she treats people like family and works for the benefit of all. Thanks for recognizing her!

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