Communication Feedback is Hard, No Matter if it’s Good or Bad There are tons of techniques to giving constructive criticism as feedback. I’m sure I will talk about this at some point. Right now, I want…Tricia BroderickSeptember 23, 2013
Appreciation Appreciation Day: Pete Unfortunately, saying thank you seems to be an after thought more and more. So at least once a month, I will take a few minutes…Tricia BroderickSeptember 22, 2013
Communication The Red Pen I have often said that I speak at conferences as a way to have therapy without paying anyone. Turns out this blog might accomplish that…Tricia BroderickSeptember 15, 2013
Facilitation Icebreakers For a long time I was torn on icebreakers. Despite understanding the value of getting people sharing and listening out of the gate, I struggled…Tricia BroderickSeptember 8, 2013